Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ocular Herpes Stories


Wishing to avoid libel for wrongful accusation of global finance to promote the false so. the fight against global warming, should at least superficially to prove the thesis staked in the paper "They CCS, we CCP."

Climate Conference, the EU directives, environmentalists, etc., publicize apocalyptic vision of the alleged global warming. How residually or sometimes does not take into account the actual risk of harmful greenhouse gases as a result of combustion, not necessarily only from the industrial boiler, but also from internal combustion engines, chemical plants, paper mills, cement plants and steel mills.
Case "struggle" of scientific and technical of battered our country with the basic hazards of harmful substances is briefly discussed, but the essence of the "silent death" requires additional analysis. In order to bring about will be quoted passages from the three-year study U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Recall these fragments appear to be justified, if only because of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Albert Arnold Gore, who so much "doing"?

Dioxins and furans because of them discussed here (the convention will only apply the term-dioxins) are highly toxic Effects of industrial by-products, such as incineration in this burning tires, burning coal and oil, paper and certain pesticides, metals smelting and combustion of fuel in the engine Diesel, and many other sources. The simplest definition says: dioxins and furans are formed as a result of high temperature incineration of chlorine when chlorine combines with other chemicals at high temperatures.

(...) From the studies in human populations as well as in laboratory animals and additional experimental data show adequate evidence to support the thesis that as a result of exposure to dioxins, and other related compounds, likely to occur in people of many (large quantity) effects (quoted from the study EPA: p. 49 ).(...). This is the first quote, very gentle, the next will not have such.

But first a brief overview of this threat to the whole of nature and human beings. The most intense effects of dioxins is observed in the reproductive system, endocrine system (hormonal) and immune system. The most vulnerable are infants and fetuses in the womb. In mammals, postnatal functional changes, advances in learning and development of the reproductive system, are the most sensitive developmental phenomena the effects of dioxin (in the period before birth). The developing immune system is most sensitive.

In summary, exposure of mammals (especially humans ! ) on the impact of dioxins shortly before birth, adversely affect intellectual development and the immune system . The immune system protects against bacterial and viral diseases and cancer, so the damage to the immune system can cause many serious diseases.

EPA states: (...) Some of the effects of dioxins and related compounds have been observed in laboratory animals and humans at or near levels to which people in the general population are exposed (...), (quoted p. 47). And again: (...) In humans, minor changes in enzyme activity indicating liver changes in circulating levels of reproductive hormones in men, decreased glucose tolerance, and cellular changes associated with protective functions suggest the ability of the adverse effects of impact on the human metabolism , reproductive biology and the protective capacity at, or within, one order of magnitude of the average background level loading (...) organism, (quoted p. 49 - 50). Developing, average levels of dioxins found in the bodies of Americans, are liable to damage the immune system, reduce the amount of hormones secreted by the testes in the blood stream of men, the impact on the metabolism of glucose (a condition suggestive of diabetes) and cause other negative changes in health and well being.

sizes EPA estimates cancer risk from dioxin as follows: (...) Model estimates suggest that if the dioxin and related compounds will be added to the risk of human cancer, continuous exposure background can be manifested in a higher stroke risk cancer population, estimated in the range of one to ten thousand (10-4) to one part per thousand (10-3), which is associated with exposure to dioxins and related compounds (...), (quoted p. 43-44). If the EPA estimate cancer risk caused by dioxins is correct, the probability of this cancer varies in length of human life in the United States range from 1 in 1,700 to 1 in the 3300th

Here we come to the shocking findings, the EPA stated: (...) General of the discovery in fish, birds and mammals is that the embryo or fetus is more sensitive than adults to exposure to TCDD causes mortality. (TCDD is a shortened name for the most toxic dioxin.) Thus, the distribution of exposure to TCDD during the life of the animal may have a large impact on its susceptibility to overt toxicity of dioxins (...), (quoted p. 36). (...) After the birth of a child (or animal) its rapid growth continues, so the sensitivity to the toxic effects of dioxins is also continued. Breast-fed infants receive a particularly large dose of dioxin. EPA report estimates that a child breastfed for a year receives 4 - 12% of its life dose of dioxin in the course of one year (...), (quoted p. 15, 21). (...) There are models of resistance to allow the animal to the imitation system defensive people, which was used to assess the impact of TCDD on change in body resistance (to disease). Results of resistance studies provide evidence that exposure to TCDD is manifested in increased susceptibility to bacterial, viral, parasitic and malignant (cancerous) disease. These effects are observed at relatively low doses and is likely to stem from the arrest caused by TCDD .(...), immune function (quoted p. 38) EPA's draft report stresses that most people (...) replaced their daily intake of dioxins in the diet (approximately 90% of meat, fish and dairy products) .(...), (quoted p. 12). People who live near sources of dioxin emissions (those plants, roads and motorways), should take into account that inhalation may constitute a significant risk for them. EPA stated: (...) use incineration as a means of eliminating solid and hazardous waste results in emissions contaminated particles into the environment, which may contain TCDD and related compounds. Thus, exposure to TCDD and related compounds may result from inhalation of contaminated particulate matter, dust and soil particles. There are also known. incubators dioxins. These are the places where it is their enclosure in the atmosphere at a particular area (...). A typical example is the famous Niagara Falls, (which is quoted an "incubator of dioxins") visited frequently by tourists, who in addition to an unforgettable experience back to their homes the potential CANCER!

can just quote the whole EPA to develop the text, but the quotes in this case have only to acknowledge the real threats emitted gases and documented staked an introduction to develop the thesis.

What we can observe the reality around us is frightening. National law governs whether the EU's harmful emissions, "PAID" and not included in the "punishment" of dioxin derivatives. In this example, the cement shall be entitled to burn the waste, including tires! Even the media is the praise and take the money for waste disposal ! EU Directives impose high temperature incineration of waste! Is this is about protecting the environment or about the extermination of the population, or about the "breed" underdeveloped societies of the future?

As in other considerations, not complaining but the signaling problem, our team has developed proprietary technologies, protected by the Patent Office, resolving a cheap and ultimately how this tragic problem.

Yours: Janusz


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