Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Reset Lockscreen On Ipod

Commentary article

Mr. Alexander SCIOS-conditions in developing "LNG terminal. Chained by the Nord Steam "very carefully described the issue of development and the biggest port in the Baltic. The impression is nothing more, nothing less. However, it appears that the case does not apply to not only existing LNG terminal yet. Team Port of Szczecin-Swinoujscie is reviewed, "rape", which affects the entire national economy.

To fully describe the ongoing process of liquidation of a Member, please consult the recent past. Many of us have already forgotten about the role odgrywaliśmy in the international arena in the shipbuilding industry. "Baby" in Szczecin shipyard restructuring and privatization of the Polish capital, a few years in a row was the number I and V in Europe in the world. Its products are "chemical" to this day have not found imitators.

Management Szczecin Shipyard SA whereas the variable demand boom in the shipbuilding industry, and strove with all the power to diversify the business profile, in order to avoid a bear market periods. It was created on the model of the Asian conglomerate holding company, formed during the peak 49 companies with capital. Launching every two weeks affected the whole country from the southern border (Andrychów, Kety) by steel mills, mines on the Baltic Sea itself. Tens of thousands of workers "lived" on the basis of co-operation of their plants from the Porta Holding SA SSN

In the mid-nineties in the composition of the Holding Company entered into the next term, which gives the stability not only for the holding company but also the energy security of supply of liquid fuels for country. Start-up company called Porta Petrol SA was 100% of PH SS SA

Naval Base in Swinoujscie Fuel is to date the largest and most modern in the Baltic Sea Terminal. For example, Gdansk Naftoport can accept vessels with a tonnage of 30 000 tonnes, while the waterfront in Swinoujscie 70 000 Ton. Five huge tanks with a capacity of 70 000 ton each, modern taps, installation of "heat", a combination of inland waterways with almost all of Europe. It's just the basic features of the Base. The main objective of supply refineries were a Swede, Leuna in Germany and plants in Kedzierzyn Kozle, not to mention cities and businesses have along the Oder.

here just come to the essence of Mr. Alexander article comment. Cry, though the justification of the LNG terminal and forget to deal with a mob MOST FUEL TERMINAL in the Baltic. This issue ended with the "big" scandal that never was! Management spent nine months in custody without any hearing. After years of court acquittal, the Supreme Court on 6 October 2010, finally and definitively rejected the prosecution appealed.

It turns out that it did not take much time to fix the Maritime fuel base. Trustee during his seven-day term has dmio sales for the proverbial penny. Porta Holding SA SSN despite the enormous wealth that goes 700 000 000 gold was put into liquidation. Former Board representing their shareholders had already won all matters relating to property with the State Treasury, which anyway does not sell its property, assets PH SS SA Tens of thousands of unemployed, the "death" of the Shipbuilding Industry and cooperating companies, the effect of the first "rape" in Complex Ports of Szczecin-Swinoujscie.

If our authorities in the different policy options for the first time participated in the PROCEDERZE why now would have acted differently?

Yours: Janusz

Monday, January 24, 2011

Acrostic Poems Over Camels

Social Energy Policy. Is

Before we proceed to present solutions claimed in the previous entry "Is that the lobby?", Let's discuss briefly what is and what it is:

first Of the 52 000 EU companies with industrial boilers in our country we have 2000. Each of them consumes a variety of materials, which in greater or lesser extent emit pollutants affecting our health. There is no doubt that nobody wants to be TRUTY! It makes no sense to refer those cases to the "global climate change," because man has an influence only in 5 per cent! Let us look at our affairs:
· If each of these establishments had the power of our additional production of electricity at only 20 MW, we will get 40 000 MW. For comparison, seven of our largest power plants produce a total of 14 000 MW.
· harmful emissions need cleaning which is not a problem based on our technologies POLISH tested on an industrial scale, inter alia, in the U.S.;
· benefits of this proposal concern, in addition to vast quantities of electricity, reduce distribution costs (facilities are scattered around the country), continuity of supply at various hazards ranging from terrorism, accidents and natural disasters at the end. In addition, electricity sales would finance the plant treatment system which is not affected by the increase in production costs of the plant;
· In the event of flue gas cleaning, some of these plants could be adapted to incineration of waste (by incineration), solving the problems of Commons, which since January 2011 decision Lawmakers are responsible for waste management;
· Significant reduction of unemployment and regulate the mining industry;
second few months ago, we have achieved as a "success" in negotiations with the EU. What it is:
· transition of the requirements of EU directives on emissions standards by 2022;
· However, this is a small molecule of the Directive. It leaves out the full version, which provides for a transitional period, by giving him such requirements as the need to start investing aftertreatment to 2016. Those who do not declare the start of investment ... plant closure in 2023 it remains a year or 17 500 hours of work. After this period, WINDING UP plant;
These sections explain, albeit partially, "what we have and from where we stand" in the near future. If we do nothing, zadłużymy generations of Poles, and we will live in UBUSTWIE due to penalty for emissions or for industry commitment to imposed solutions, prices have risen about 80%!

matters discussed in the section "Protection of natural environment, etc., are intended not only to draw attention to the problem, but mainly, they tend strongly to resolve it. Likewise, in this seemingly hopeless situation, you can achieve success. To achieve this success is not just a team there, and even company consortium of companies. Here, you need community involvement! As shown in previous studies issues related to energy affects each of us every day from birth. If you do not take care of yourself is not who will do it for us? In that case, "the works"!

basis of being efficient is your RIGHT. Our Legislature Parliament of the Republic, governed by the applicable Laws of our lives, as even the "aided" the EU directives. The energy sector, described here, the basis of National Economy, is regulated by the Energy Law.
detailed assessment of this Act come to the conclusion that, in conjunction with the Act on Private-Public Partnership, as a society we can have a decisive impact on the Department of National Economy. Budget as payers and policy makers. The following very short overview:

Energy Act introduced major changes in the energy economy of our country. This refers to the entire energy sector, but also to the municipal level of local government. In accordance with the regulations contained in the Act, the municipality as the basic unit of territorial division of the country's leading body has been established, determining the directions development of energy systems on the local market. Local Municipalities are authorized to create local energy policy, an expression which is the plan to supply heat, electricity and gaseous fuels, closely related to a proposed zoning guidelines Municipalities, particularly in the development of energy infrastructure systems.
Energy Law requires the Municipality of duty to ensure proper supply of the underlying local government area of \u200b\u200benergy and gives it the right to decide how to cover its energy needs.
basic premises to carry out energy policy by Communes are
• division of responsibilities and changing role of the State Sector and the shift away from centralized structures,
• the changing environment, including political, and the need to conform to the basic functions of the Municipality in relation to its own economy and society.

Municipality, in this case are entitled to appoint traders involved in the other distribution, or may appoint its own Power Plant. Combining the distribution of waste management at local level can lead to pioneering the diversification of the energy market. In carrying out within one company, operating in several communes in question "technology implementation, enforced in this way, only the current law of Poland and the EU Directive?
society that we represent do not have to be powerless and helpless, just needs to start taking care of YOUR! Officials of Municipalities, have serious powers to carry out tasks social form in accordance with the Act on Private-Public Partnership, operators are pursuing commercially discussed the matter.

Yours: Janusz

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Goldwell Colour Remover On Wet Or Dry Hair?

to lobby? Research Centres

The previous attempt was made considering the issues that affect us all. We live in a twenty-first century, and probably nobody would want to opt out of the facility, which provides technical progress. Hardly anyone chooses to leave, even when the lack of lighting, hot water, etc. Nevertheless, oceńmy ourselves how little we are interested in these issues? For most of us have the power plugged in, the heat from the radiator, the energy to prepare food from the kitchen. One would think such a change in the anecdotes, "milk from the store, not from the barn."
so-called opinion-making centers, time and again publicize events related to the issues raised here . This is done "professionally" and that to the extent that those who are not from the industry that "on tree! Bored professional jargon we omit articles, broadcasts, and forgetting - and here trifle - a wealthy finance institutions making up the sector of National Economy.

make daily payments of excise taxes, whether in grocery and industrial products, whether in direct accounts, electricity, fuel and many others. Someone has to pay to the economy is "revolved." It turns out that these fees are a huge part of our income. Going to the store, we pay for goods that we want to buy and often we have a lot of comments about the quality, price and same service in the store. Silent, however, and skip the most expensive case in our spending, limiting, for example, to complain about the prices resulting from the accounts as "current".

Instead, we hear or read about the big contribution of grants and projects in these topics from the energy sector. Think about who and what makes the financial support levels, and where does the money? You can write a powerful elaboraty answer is very simple: the above mentioned taxes! Donors, stating in a nutshell, they are various government organizations, concentrated in the municipalities, provinces or the central level. Come to the EU funds, which like the national measures BUDGET come from our country and the Member States. The budget is the result of our tax payments made to the Inland Revenue and not just the so-called. our annual tax returns, or returns an advance income tax. Purchasing the good in them pay taxes on goods and services producers. This happens throughout the EU, with which we are affiliated with you. So we have a simple answer, which allow us understand that sometimes you may want to know more, where does the money generated by us.

In every country, regardless of its wealth, the budget is always less than the needs posed to him in a given society. Expenditure on health, education, defense, environmental protection, human rights, social affairs, etc., are financed from the budget. For the distribution of insufficient resources, had been made in the most appropriate way, realizing the most important needs, the concept of lobbying. The rules of lobbying, or persuade the authorities to allocate budget amounts for specific purposes, have been normalized law of the country. Such institutions acting within the sector, are intended to persuade and thereby raise as much money.

The current in the previous considerations the energy sector, because of the question here, in addition to needs related to the ongoing technological progress, is also required for the implementation of "global warming". Investments of this type are very expensive and require subsidies, as even the wealthiest can not afford to fully fund innovative solutions. Necessary It is therefore the involvement of institutions, who are professionally involved in specific lobbying activities. Who has not encountered the concept LOBBY energy?

Bearing in mind the developed part of our budget, we are fully entitled to evaluate the validity of the allocation of budgetary funds for the energy sector because, as suggested above, it has an impact on our lives daily. So what essentially promotes energy lobby:
first construction of two nuclear power plants;
second underground storage of carbon dioxide;
third fired boilers with methane;
fourth wind farm;
5th incineration of biomass;
6th solar;
may be mentioned a few solutions promoted but that's probably just a few generations of Poles, who will bear the consequences, both financial and ecological. Such an absolute rating may raise an objection, and great indignation. To justify it, however, let us examine some facts:
first in 1981, our southern neighbors began building one of the world's largest nuclear power plant at Temelin. Construction was completed in. .. 2002. Despite the recognition of her five years ago by the Austrian Institute for Applied Ecology to be one of the safest nuclear power plants in Europe, there has been many failures. Most recent trip in 2007, concerned the leak of radioactive water 1000 liters. We are dealing with huge spending the whole generations, while the risks and the time of decommissioning are notoriously ignored. Safe decommissioning of such facility to be profitable after the operation is estimated at approximately 45 years (two generations). It leaves out the ending uranium, the main source of energy;
second our country has been blessed by God the Creator innumerable goods often reaching thousands of meters under the ground. We have underground coal, copper, methane, oil, a source of thermal waters, and many other goods, which is impossible to list here. Even if you ignore the technical and economic efficiency of storing carbon dioxide underground, the massive financial postponed again for several generations of tax payers, we have to assume the need to withhold other underground works over a wide area of \u200b\u200bthe country. Suspension of underground work will be justified to the danger of releasing millions of tons of stored carbon dioxide;
third if you have already come to stop work underground, methane-fired boilers promoted, will rely on imports of raw materials. Our deposits can not be fully exploited!;
fourth apart again, technical and economic merits, let's look at how the "enemies" Don Quixote is the ecology. We have here undoubtedly a "clean renewable energy, however, what are our birds with particular reference to unique species of bats. Could it be "knights" environmentalists do not have anything to say? Productivity and profitability of this type of solutions has a lot to be desired;
fifth incineration of biomass, an interesting question! But no one takes into account the impact on the ecosystem of forest resources and overexploitation of agricultural land. Ignored the threat is also in the area charges for damaging carbon dioxide emissions of CO2. It is based on simple comparisons:
  • burning coal, emit about 800 CO2 units;
  • burning biomass from trees, about 1,200 units emit CO2
so everyone can calculate the What is more CO2 emissions. Companies invest in biomass boilers to comply with the requirements laws that impose the appropriate permissions issue, who exceed this will pay a high price. Be inferred that in future the building will be the proverbial "nail in the coffin" of those investors. It leaves out the harmful emissions of greenhouse gases from the combustion of cellulose-containing microparticles of organisms that affect the lungs similar to asbestos;
sixth a "battery" solar is not even worth writing, because of their suitability for the energy sector is marginal ;
Comparing is a reflection of previous studies on developed by our team of proprietary technological solutions and implementation (Diversification They CCS, we CCP, etc.) come to the conclusion that we do not have to deal with the energy lobby, but from

Is this argument is correct? I think each of us as a payer of budgetary resources, may have to answer yourself. Furthermore, having as a State, the mighty potential of our POLISH boiler, you can spend a maximum of 10% of funds used by these ANTYLOBBY and the following years, POLISH adaptation and implementation of modernization to the extent that our homeland energy independence and also to make money on exports of electricity produced from Polish ingredients.

To maintain adopted a policy of not complaining for the next study will attempt to approximate the capacity of the taxpayer's serial development and savings in the energy sector.

Yours: Janusz

Monday, January 17, 2011

Diaper Raffle In Spanish

For many of us "ordinary people rank", the essence of the Research Center is associated with something that is designed to transform new discoveries into a product that gives the effect of new technologies that may be useful in various industries, medicine, agriculture, etc. Creates a prototype devices, medicines and even the entire production process, which is then subjected to a series of tests and trials in conditions close to real ones. The expected result should prove the desirability of implementing these new arrangements so as to facilitate our lives. Frequently we are dealing with confidentiality, protecting the ahead of the competition. A typical example of a well-known perhaps for all is the American Center of NASA, which is in parallel with its primary mission-related issues concerning the cosmos, leading a number of centers working for the military and civilian. Solutions for the troops very often for decades, are wholly or partially unavailable for "civilians."
The so-called. media, often there is information about the creation of a new Research Centre. The number one issue is: g lobalne warming and carbon dioxide. amounts that are spent on research, oscillate in the tens of millions, not necessarily the Polish currency. However, the research topics are very mysterious. Sequestration, gasification, and on the surface of the bed, and many others often difficult to pronounce words. Frequently the reader, the listener goes to another article or a broadcast, because what matters occupy your time not entirely comprehensible. The more that the facilities involved are exchanged Universities and certainly know what they're doing.

may, however, might be interested in closer, if only out of curiosity, what happens to the money, that daily flow from our pockets in the form of various taxes ranging from bread.

As mentioned above, subjects in research centers guilty of concern for new solutions. Let's look very briefly, although one theme:

coal gasification.

The whole process can be summarized as the concept of the encyclopedia: (...) technological process consists in carrying out solid or liquid fuels with high carbon content in fuel gas (...). Slowly we begin to understand something from this and going forward we come to the conclusion that these cases were investigated in detail and implemented by industry in the previous two centuries. COKE INDUSTRY relies exclusively on the gasification of coal and its effects are known to all of us. Now the question is why do so to explore something that works through the ages?

Research Centres are going on, what else is available to the immense financial resources will have to do something. It was therefore decided to put on the process:


One of the centers may already have a gasification in the bed of 24 tons. Again raises probing questions: How have the 24 tons of millions of tons of our deposits, or deposits in our conditions are similar to those in Canada, USA or South Africa? Are these countries, these underground coal spalaniami everything is OK.!?

Our mines have huge deposits, estimated at millions of tonnes each. In addition, layers of deposits similar to "underground spider web." Moving from the border with Moravia in the Czech Republic, we are dealing with evolution of methane. Eliminated 1-May coal mine at the depth of 100 meters has noted high concentrations of methane and the samy was considered so. "Mine gas". In its neighborhood there JSW with "gas mines." The coal mine operated "Borynia" separated for more than 24 m3/min CH4 concentration of 60-80%. Going further into Silesia, it appears that above 1000 meters all the mines emits methane. Who does not believe this tragedy, let them remember Coal Mine "Halemba. In one of the earlier studies indicated information was what happens with the blazing bed under the village of Centralia in the U.S.. For those interested in the link:

to where you will see pictures of the city evacuated. The fire will last even 250 years. There was no methane gas and still burning and did not help even the flooding of the mine workings. So what we want to prepare Research Centres and is using our money?

As mentioned above, gasification is achieved under previous centuries, therefore, bowing his forehead to the scientists, engineers and rank-coke industry, our team developed technology is possible to enter the industry with particular emphasis on Thermal Energy in our cities, of course, protected by the PPO.

Yours: Janusz

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sample Welcome Letters To Visitors

It was something for kids, this time the message is addressed to readers so very adult ...

Wnetrzarstwo is about practically unlimited, unrestricted nothing ... or imagination of the designer. And although all of us, it seems that it creates fashion, successive styles, changed outfits like Carrie Bradshaw, is actually the case?
Maybe we ask a specialist, what do think?


- Hmm, I wonder what Mr. Big would say on the original chandelier? I do not know whether it is better sprawdzilby August in the bedroom, and maybe in my new wardrobe?

- Oh! At this point it would present quite impressive! Well, go with the decor ... but ... First, ask the girls what you think!

- No! Chrlotte probably already asleep, Miranda again had a worse day. Besides, the night also probably not much better, so penises is now quite warm, especially one - a small, placzaco-sikajacego was hardly 24 per day - will not be objective ... Ask Samantha she is irreplaceable in these matters!

- Oh, well, yet I caught you! You had to go out with Smith, something happened?
- Honey, do not believe ... Recently rang, the bit is late. She apologizes and invites to the hotel. I was hoping podwozke, but with guys like this forever. How do I know they've got what you want ... the rest of May in the d. ..! And, surely I'll have to unplugged! Well then, I'm flying, because not quite late for spoznialskiego.
- Wait a jiffy, I have a important question. It's a matter of life and death, or at least my well-being of the next few days!
- OK, just a summary!
- I saw a fantastic chandelier, I do not know what to do ... I would like him.
- Oh, Darling ... You know, I want the best for you. Take the example of me ... and the affair in his hands before some sort of Tepa bitch shamelessly go clean up your nose!
- Exactly, it's quite ... interest. It is quite original and unique .... phallic ...
But in August shines! It is gold and has a mass of crystals! Well, it fits my pins from Blahnik! - You know, the place of honor!
I do not know what he would say John ... : - /
- Do you mind? He has his wiener, so you also have the right to have some! And with bigger and prettier ... ok, did not write ... it's just your business. I'd youngster!
- Yeah, I guess ...
- You know me! :-)
OK, dear'm flying. Hold on, because I unfortunately can not! ;-)
- psycho!
- Also I love you! : -*
- Paaaaaa!

- Oh, Sam ... I do not know.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kate Playground Having Shower Cam

Although Christmas is already behind us, and Santa Claus from the star and Grandpa went Mroz August for a holiday, theme, who discreetly suggested in the title, it seems to me still valid ...
bet you that not once have seen already the advertisement, where - my favorite, moreover - Supernanny Zawadzka urges them to spend time together at the games ... and not those odmozdzajacych shootings or other mordobiciach but planszowkach cult "with good shops" with toys. Oh!
movie as a movie ... although the present average of a successful psychologist lans, good aunt since "criminal language," has its value, calls attention to the problem which is getting weaker communication between parent and child, siblings, which often left alone you spend time staring blankly at TV!
Dorothy! Paul Anka, Mariola! Although I am 3 times on YES, I love Chinese (hahaha!), I love Monopoly and just finished a round of Scrabble, I think that maybe it would be worth a look (your, or a kid ;-)) a little bit different, but it is the original proposals whizzes LEGO?
Exactly! Do you remember your first blocks? Yes, yes ... These were wooden too cool! Same to this day I remember more or less washed-out colors wysypywanych sticks out of the box on wheels. I got them in the end under the tree!
Those were the days ... PRL, in which there was nothing, and holidays, in addition to smell and taste of orange for another year already associated them with the gift (by the way, in this respect nothing has changed, though oranges everywhere and now we buy it in any form ...) .
Nothing but this! The future 90th year and change, and with them the luxury goods available on a wider scale. So tin earned buck, replaced the U.S. dollar (and and can not, I actually do not remember) and I bought the Pewexie moreover, their first LEGO bricks!
It was just hype! Mucha did not sit down and not even tried, just did not have this option!
I started to grow up, to hasten the time somehow, but I still toy accompanied the long years ... then say that they had in me a greater influence than I could provide it then think.
first houses and cars on the "uphill", and before them naive, flowers and trees fascinated me so much, the Engineer look at the world in the end had to be supported by adequate degree, it was a matter of time!
Today, when closer to us, or at least myself, to 30tki appears is a new product, about whom I am what I could only dream of, connection pads with the idea of \u200b\u200ba board game - ability to develop creative and logical thinking at the same time, but still, in the context of a good and safe play - the bottom line and the post, or games from Lego!
Because he had no opportunity to confront the challenge of Ramses in his pyramid, and the corridors to escape the maze before the Minotaur myth recommend you link to the manufacturer, on which we can get acquainted closer to the subject ...

Have fun!


"Ramses Pyramid"
Number of players: 2 - 4
Age: 8 years
Playing Time: 20 - 40 min
Publisher: LEGO
Designers: Reiner Knizia
Instructions: eg Polish

Suggested Retail Price: 119.95 zł

* 217 LEGO elements
* instructions for building
* booklet with rules

Number of players: 2 - 4
Age: 7 years
Time: 20 - 30 min
Publisher: LEGO
Designers: Cephas Howard
Instructions: . Polish

Suggested Retail Price: 99.95 zł

* 211 LEGO elements
* instruction booklet *
building with the

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Best Sarees Chennaisilks

winter winter, but unfortunately the snow was just a big wet stain. at least for now. white was, but how it ended i. .. not far from sight inspires pride. on the contrary, a shame to admit that they do the "right" leaving around what we are doing in their own secret ...

more interested in the subject I recommend: - Generation Kupa! and everyone else remember that ...
comes with the help of modern design and ... need, which, as everyone knows, is simply the mother of invention! with thanks to you, mother! ;-)


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Johnson Baby Oil Gel For Hair

switched to night mode ... moreover, not just me!
interior design was browsing through the newspaper, buried on the Internet, and again some background on the series ...
sit and sit, think and think ... say, perhaps, we would share with you my thoughts , to show what makes me feel that what is a hit, and what utter putty, embarrassing, what little ...
I'll write about architecture - interior design and landscaping, design and art (not just utilitarian), fashion and lifestyle sounding pompously, comment and criticize, because surely true class is not afraid of criticism in August ;-)

that was not boring, with the help of my friends will come - Loko and Chi-Chi, landscape architect and hair stylist who just toss the TV channels looking for something meaningful.
if you know the night is really something to see ? This time, in addition to replay the whole day and not only ... (to skip the silence) is actually a little is happening - TVN Style advice on how to live healthier, how to contact monitoring, and another monster "to do" cool kid, and eat watermelon with a knife and fork (thanks Jolly!) TV sets fashion trends, not only on the catwalk, and the BBC operates a beginner designers ...
about this and everything else so we will share with you up to date - at least that's the intention, for now ...

Xtian chi-chi loko