Monday, March 7, 2011

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Besides being a source of various diseases, high cholesterol was also influenced by one's sex life, both men and women. Maybe that was not common knowledge is the case erectile dysfunction caused by excessive cholesterol. This is caused by chaotic terbatasinya arteries and blood flow by a pile of cholesterol. As a result, penis erection difficulties because of the erection itself depends on the flow of blood that flows to the penis.
Worse yet, the production of cholesterol-lowering drug that is commonly used, namely statins, it has side effects that actually reduce one's libido. Based on a 2009 study funded by the government of the United States, the use of statins can cause changes in sexual pleasure, such as the declining quality of the user sex. This effect is more significant for male patients than female. Fortunately not all made from statin cholesterol drugs to sex, so this can be avoided by switching to another statin drug.
For the women, high cholesterol levels can cause them difficult to become aroused. The cause is almost equal to erectile dysfunction, the inhibition of blood flow in the pelvic region due to the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. Use a little lubricant can solve the problem, but not entirely complete. Some of the blocked artery to the clitoris and orgasm or cause any of the pleasant sensation it almost impossible to happen.
To avoid problems with your sex life (especially at moments first night), it is advisable to prevent the occurrence of excess cholesterol . If you have already, just do it low-cholesterol diet. One of them with emphasis on eating vegetables because it can increase cholesterol saturated fat. The nice, do dietary cholesterol, according to doctors and sex therapists, it is equivalent to a diet of sex, where a healthy cholesterol diet will help us in getting a healthy sex life as well.
Do not forget, exercise is also important for good sex and good cholesterol. Moving 30 minutes each day will be able to pump blood throughout the body, including body parts that are key to sexual pleasure.
By the way, despite all difficulties posed, cholesterol is also beneficial to the formation of sex hormones. At certain levels, cholesterol can help in the development of the body, including sex hormones. In women, cholesterol levels helps produce estrogen and progesterone. And in men, cholesterol stimulates the creation of testosterone. Without this hormone, not to grow certain physical characteristics associated with gender, such as breast for women or increased body hair for men. This hormone is also important for reproduction, if the sex to have children means you need a lot of cholesterol. Cholesterol is also responsible to make vitamin D in the human body, which produce strong bones and teeth.
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